Friday, May 22, 2009

Creativity versions from the home builder!

Chris Hansen of Wisconsin, turned his son Nicholas' 09 CRF from Motocross bike, to Ice Racer now to F-450 in a matter of months. Unique is the family has a Buell dealership, so on goes a Buell Ulysses front end complete with brake, a body kit from Catalyst and 15 year old Nick went to Road America first time out on a big track and finished 8th out of 20 against Buells and SVV 650s. Say Chris "This is more fun and better for a young rider than I imagined. We are totally on board!! This is the future".


ctech971 said...

If the bike has a slipper clutch so you can push start it and is one of the new fuel injected bikes with no electric starter, how do you start them? Does the bodywork allow for the kickstarter to be used?

Gavin Trippe said...

We actually use a kick start, but the dirt track guys have GoKart starters adapted.. inginuity the mother of invention. Also there are rear wheel 'roller' starter with a battery or rollers that you put under the rear wheel of your truck

Anonymous said...

I heard there was supposed to be some type of announcement concerning the 450 class at Laguna Seca this past weekend. Does anyone have any info about it?

dylanjones said...

my project bike is a 2005 ktm smr450.
ive dropped the front and reworked the rear,just wondering the about the triple camps and what to do?
do i need new triples?
what are the numbers for offset rake and trail i should have ?
any one?